Working the Network: How Mortgage Loan Officers Are Using LinkedIn
Despite the rapid addition of new platforms to the social media landscape, LinkedIn remains one of the most popular in terms of use, beating out...
Despite the rapid addition of new platforms to the social media landscape, LinkedIn remains one of the most popular in terms of use, beating out...
During the 2020 COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the world at large began to shut down most operations and businesses in an effort to try and contain...
Carefully curating a corporate mortgage/financial services social media presence is practically a full-time job, given the intense regulatory focus...
Having a compliance management system (CMS) is a well-known regulatory imperative, but did you know that mortgage lenders and financial institutions...
Loan officers and other financial industry members utilize social media every day to market themselves to consumers on a more personal level. As more...
For newcomers breaking into the lending industry, the sheer number of laws in place to regulate lender practices can seem uncountable. Whether it’s...
Loans have been a staple of human survival for thousands of years. Goods, services, money, even household belongings have traded hands and deals have...
Lenders have a responsibility to protect consumer data, that is clear. In addition to that oath of protection required by law, lenders must also be...
In 2007, Facebook began the rollout of the now well-known Business Page model, allowing businesses to harness the power of social media to increase...